High Speed Signal Design, Test and Analysis

Signal & Power Integrity in the Real World

Advanced SI Design Kits (ADK) - Everything you want to do with S parameters in one place

ADK is a comprehenive set of SI utility tools to simplify many commonly encountered SI tasks to a single mouse click.  ADK has been used daily for many years in major hardware companies.  With ADK, new graduates can be trained to perform the tasks of middle-level SI engineers within a day.

Example 1

ADK corrects causality violation and outputs new Touchstone files for better channel simulation and impedance reading.  Note how much the S parameters can change after causality correction. 

Example 2

Converting S parameters into equivalent HSPICE models is just one mouse click away.  Attempts to curvefit non-causal models will be futile.  ADK's causality correction ensures that the curvefitted models are also valid beyond the original frequency range.

Example 3

Going from S parameters to optimized TX FFE and RX CTLE and DFE coefficients and eye diagrams in NRZ or PAM-4 is again only one mouse click away.

Example 4

Are you still using a resonator to measure DK and DF? ADK extracts frequency-dependent DK and DF that are causal and self-consistent with the insertion loss of multiple traces. In just one mouse click in ADK, material characterization cannot be easier.